Note: This guide is about 13 beginner bass guitar songs that I consider to be the easiest songs to play on bass. These are, in my opinion, the perfect songs to learn on bass guitar because they all consist of extremely easy bass lines. In this comprehensive list, you will also find tutorial videos, songs to play along to, bass tabs and playlist of all these songs for your convenience.

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Playing the bass guitar is similar to learning to play the standard guitar. There are fewer chords to learn, and the fingering skills are less complex than on an acoustic guitar. However, because the strings are thicker, finger strength and dexterity are essential.
It’s exciting to start your road to bass mastery. There’s so much to learn, including new bass guitar songs, methods, and the fascinating realm of music theory. However, with so many information available these days, it might be daunting. There are literally millions of tunes to learn, from YouTube videos to tablature websites. Where do you start?
Let’s face it: a great song is frequently defined by its bassline. In fact, there are instances when the bass guitar player steals the show with their mountain-moving low-end activity.
It’s crucial to have fun while learning material that’s appropriate for your skill level as you grow with bass guitar. Otherwise, learning might be a frustrating experience.
So we’ve compiled a list of 13 of the most popular and EASY bass guitar songs for beginners that any aspiring bassist may learn while having fun!
Related blog: What Is The Best Lightweight Bass Guitar (All-Budgets)

Here’s a quick summary of all the songs that I think are easiest songs to play on bass. You can take a screenshot of it and save it for later if you like. Below is the reason why these songs are on the list and you can also find the best bass lesson attached from YouTube and tabs for the song. Let’s begin!
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13 Most Popular Beginner Bass Guitar Songs
1. "Another One Bites The Dust" by Queen
At least one Queen song should be on the list of must-know songs for any budding guitarist. When it comes to music, this band has amazing taste.
Why is this song easy to play?
The simplicity of the basslines is particularly helpful in learning “Another One Bites the Dust.” It follows the song’s chord progression. The 5th string is the one you’ll be playing the most of the time. The tune has a simple rhythm and simply a few fretting motions.
See The Tabs Of This Song:
Start Playing Along:
Related blog: What Are The Best Bass Guitar For Small Hands? | 7 Picks
2. "Billie Jean" by Michael Jackson
The basslines in this song may not be as simple as the ones I’ve just mentioned. However, the beat of “Billie Jean” is one of the most well-known on the planet. It’s enough to listen to the first few bass notes a few times to get into the groove. After a few moments, you’ll be tapping your foot or perhaps humming the tune.
Why is this song easy to play?
Louis Johnson deserves respect for his intriguing bass playing abilities. Standard tuning is used throughout the song. The fingerstyle is simple to learn. The fretting finger movements will be the most difficult to learn. The tempo is relatively rapid, but not too fast for a beginner to cope with.
See The Tabs Of This Song:
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3. "All About That Bass" by Meghan Trainor
I’m sure you didn’t expect me to include this song on the list. Well, I enjoy Meghan Trainor’s song because of its lighthearted tone. It has an extraordinary power to transport you to the 1960s golden age of popular music.
Why is this song easy to play?
The song’s basslines only use three chords making it the easiest song to play on bass. You learn these chords, master them, and you’re immediately playing one of the new millennium’s coolest and most enjoyable songs.
The general structure of the bass is, in my opinion, the song’s greatest asset. You may improve your rhythm timing while while having a great time.
See The Tabs Of This Song:
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4. "Seven Nation Army" by The White Stripes
The power players from Detroit, Michigan, are noted for their more raw and organic sound, which can be a refreshing change of pace from today’s hyper-produced performers. Despite the fact that they are only a guitarist and drummer, their track “Seven Nation Army” has a clear and unique bassline that you can memorise.
Why is this song easy to play?
This easy bass lines consists of a seven-note phrase played largely on a single string. It’s perfect for a novice to learn and rock out to because the song isn’t too hard on the brain, allowing you to concentrate on feeling the beat and making sure the notes ring out loud and clear.
See The Tabs Of This Song:
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5. "21 Guns" by Green Day
Why is this song easy to play?
This was the second single to be released from the band’s eighth studio album, 21st Century Breakdown.The song is ideal for a beginner bassist since it has a low BPM and plenty of breaks to allow you to get your hands in place and prepare for the next note. One thing to keep in mind is the octaves at the beginning of the chorus; make sure that the second string is appropriately muted so that you only hear the two needed notes as you strike the octave shape.
See The Tabs Of This Song:
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6. "Zombie" by The Cranberries
Why is this song easy to play?
A simple and easy beginner bass song, ‘Zombie’ by Cranberries uses only 4 chords. Because the entire song repeats the same progression. The Cranberries’ tab for “Zombie” will not only expose you to some fundamental chords, but it will also help you establish muscle memory for them.
The beat also remains steady and the chords are repeated through the entire song which makes it an easy song to play on bass and a great bass guitar song for beginners.
See The Tabs Of This Song:
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7. "Pumped Up Kicks" by Foster The People
One of the more contemporary musicians on this list, their song “Pumped Up Kicks” became a viral hit in 2010. The band seized the opportunity and signed a record deal in 2011, and has continued to expand since then.
Why is this song easy to play?
Many budding bassists appreciate learning Pumped Up Kicks because of its good combination of being both lively and musically fascinating. It has a 128bpm tempo and will need some accurate playing, but it will also provide you with a perfect opportunity to put those hammer-ons and pull-offs you’ve (hopefully) been practising to use!
See The Tabs Of This Song:
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8. "Otherside" by Red Hot Chilli Peppers
Why is this song easy to play?
“Otherside,” which is played in normal EADG tuning, has a simple bassline for novices. There aren’t any elaborate fingerstyles. However, this is one of those pieces of music that uses the slide from the third to the fourteenth fret. The notes are simple to learn and the rhythm is straightforward.
For new bassists, this Red Hot Chili Peppers song is an interesting tune. It has a catchy song and a rhythm that gets stuck in your head right away. You’ll be able to play practically any bass guitar tune once you’ve mastered the beat.
See The Tabs Of This Song:
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9. "Smells Like Teen Spirit" by Nirvana
Almost three decades have passed, and this Nirvana song continues to be played on nearly every alternative rock radio station.
Why is this song easy to play?
The song has a punk rock feel to it, courtesy to Kurt Cobain’s aggressive guitar chords and Krist Novoselic’s forceful basslines. The bass and treble blend together seamlessly to create a tune that will be remembered for decades.
For certain folks, the song’s basslines can be quite difficult. However, I believe that this is excellent work for strengthening future bassists’ stamina. They must keep their rhythm accurate while simultaneously concentrating on flawless timing. They must also maintain this for long periods of time.
See The Tabs Of This Song:
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10. "Aerials" by System of A Down
Why is this song easy to play?
For anyone who is a System of A Down fan, the song “Aerials” is one of the band’s easier tracks. The tune alternates between playing one of two notes for a line or two for the most part, and the more advanced parts aren’t that difficult either.
If this is one of the songs you’d like to learn, even if you don’t yet have the skill level to play it fully, we recommend that you do so since you won’t regret learning and playing it on your bass.
See The Tabs Of This Song:
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11. "Dazed and Confused" by Led Zeppelin
Why is this song easy to play?
Learning as many Zeppelin bass lines as possible is a good place to start on the road to becoming a rock bass player.
Dazed and Confused is a masterclass in rock bass playing, and you’ll learn a lot about how to employ bass in an arrangement, from doubling guitar riffs to weaving intricate and improvised melodic lines through a progression. It’s ideal for anyone just getting started in rock n roll, and an easy song to learn on bass.
See The Tabs Of This Song:
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12. "Feel Good Inc." by Gorillaz
This Gorillaz song is one of the best alternative songs ever to be performed in the middle of the first decade of the new millennium.
Why is this song easy to play?
The song makes impressing your buddies with your bass playing skills simple. The tuning is standard EADG. You may use an octave pedal to recreate the original recording’s lovely, layered sound. This will create a layered bass synth effect. However, you can still play this without the pedal. And it’ll still sound fantastic.
The fretting techniques are never taxing on your fingers, and the beat is predictable. It’s a pretty enjoyable music that you may play at any time.
See The Tabs Of This Song:
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13. "Sweet Child O' Mine" by Guns n Roses
Guns N’ Roses’ “Sweet Child Of Mine” is a terrific project for beginners and a must-know for intermediate and advanced musicians (you never know when you’ll need it!).
Why is this song easy to play?
The really interesting thing about this riff is that, aside from a handful of adjustments, it’s pretty much the same the whole way through.
See The Tabs Of This Song:
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How to Read Bass Tabs
For a beginner, bass tabs might look like one of the greatest challenges that they need to overcome to start learning guitar. However, be rest assured that reading bass tabs for beginners is not as much of a daunting task as it seems. It is easy if you learn it the right way and will help you play any song on your bass guitar. Here are the steps to reading bass tabs for beginners:
Related blog: Is Bass Guitar Easy To Learn? | Bass Vs. Guitar
- Begin with the Strings
The guitar strings are a good place to start. In comparison to a regular guitar, the bass guitar only has four strings. 5 string bass guitars are also available.Each string is given a line, which runs from low to high. The lowest E string, which is closest to you, is the bottom line on a bass sheet.
The A string comes next, followed by the D string, and finally the G string.
- Consider the Fret Numbers
The fret numbers are the next stage in learning to read bass. You’ll see numbers on each line/string as you read the tab from left to right.These numbers indicate which fret and strings should be held down.
If you see a number “2” on the bottom line of a bass tab, you know the first note you should play is the E string on the second fret.
- Keep in mind the measurement lines
Vertical lines will occasionally appear down each of the tab string lines.
These are used to represent measurements or bars. The measure must contain all of the numbers contained within these measure lines.
A measure is typically defined as the amount of time it takes to count something (1, 2, 3, 4). You begin counting again at the vertical measure lines (1, 2, 3, 4).
The notes will be slower if there are few frets in the tab before the measure lines. If there are a lot of notes, it should be played quickly.
- While the following list is far from exhaustive, it should suffice to get you started:
- To advance to the next pitch, use the forward slash (/).
- To move down to the following pitch note, use the back slash (\).
- The caret (^) indicates that the string should be bent.
- The letter H stands for hammer-on (when you pick the string and then push down the fret).
- P stands for pull-off (opposite of a hammer on)
- Place your finger on the fret but don’t press all the way down to ghost the note.
My Recommendations of YouTube Channels
It is critical to seek training and inspiration from as many sources as possible when learning to play any instrument.
YouTube is a fantastic resource in this day and age, with plenty of good stuff. As someone looking for the finest bass guitar YouTube channels, having a range of lessons and styles to influence you is critical if you want to build your own style and potentially become a great bass guitarist.
Some of the YouTube channels that we think are great for a beginner bass player are:
- Scott’s Bass Lessons – Scott Devine is a professional bassist with more than twenty years of expertise. His smooth technique and impeccable timing appeal to me. On his YouTube channel, you may learn all there is to know about bass guitar, including theory, techniques, and exercises for developing chops, rhythm, time-feel, and arpeggios.
- Talking Bass – Talking Bass brings together some of the most brilliant and unique artists in one channel, providing a great source of inspiration for both new and seasoned bass players.
- Music College TV – The channel dominates the bass lesson genre, providing informative videos on everything from bass theory to technique to live performance advice.
They put a lot of emphasis on building a strong musical foundation and understanding the music before jumping into improvisation, so his videos can be a little lengthier at times, but it’s all worth it.
How to Hold a Bass Guitar
Standing up
It’s time for you to stand-up and have your bass make a statement. This is how:
- Double-check that your strap is firmly fastened to the strap pins.
Also, make sure your strap is straight from one end to the other, not twisted.
- Hang your bass from your shoulder loosely.
Keep your left hand close to your neck but not clutching it. Some basses have a neck that is slightly heavier than others, while others are perfectly balanced. Whatever type of bass you have, you must become accustomed to its sensations.
- Place your hands on the bass guitar.
Without needing to grip the bass, your left hand should be able to roam the neck from top to bottom.
Sitting down
You might want to sit down and play throughout those long hours of practising. Use a tall chair with no armrests or a stool. As a result, whether you’re standing or sitting, your bass will be in a comparable position. Furthermore, your thighs should be at least parallel to the floor; if possible, sit so that they are higher than your knees.
Keep the strap on after you’ve sat down. When the bass contacts your thighs, the strap may sag slightly, but it should still keep the bass in place. Your left hand can freely move around the neck, while your right hand can comfortably reach all of the strings.
How to Practice Bass for Beginners
Make a schedule or don’t make one.
One of the first questions most people have about practising is how often and when they should do it. My advice is always the same: practise as much as you can! Granted, even the core artists have down days, but I believe that in order to improve at a comfortable pace, you need receive at least one or two good sessions per week.
Do not push yourself:
This is a follow-up to my previous suggestion. Sometimes you just don’t feel like playing for whatever reason. Perhaps you’re distracted, in a poor mood, or preoccupied with something else. This is very natural and acceptable. It’s crucial to play when you’re inspired rather than forcing yourself to do so. If you push yourself to practise, you may develop a negative association with practising. Instead of being fun, it becomes effort.
Warm-up Techniques:
Use this time in your practise regimen to concentrate on a particular component of your technique that needs improvement. Single String Practice is a very easy exercise for coordinating your left and right hands and improving speed, accuracy, and fluency. Always begin slowly and give your mind time to adjust to the new bodily actions. Then gradually increase your speed.
Now study something you don’t know by heart, such as arpeggios, scales, fretboard notes, musical stave note names, rhythms, and modes. Move on to the next thing each time you memorise and comprehend anything.
Set objectives:
Having clearly defined goals in mind is another crucial part of an effective practise regimen. I recommend having something particular and concrete to practise, whether it’s mastering a new technique, learning a song from beginning to end, or nailing a theory exercise. This gives your session time meaning and keeps you moving forward. Avoid hazy objectives and lengthy timelines. Goals like “By this time next year, I want to be able to play like Paul McCartney” aren’t as useful as a list of specific songs and ideas to master. This also breaks down larger tasks into digestible chunks and provides real-time feedback on your learning progress.
Songs, riffs, solos, and melodies Anything. YouTube tutorials, tunes you’re working on with your band Anything. Start with the music listed above and have a good time!
We all know that hanging out and playing bass is one of a musician’s favourite pastimes. While there are many things we may say about practise, this remains the most important. Music should be fun first and foremost, whether you’re a seasoned pro musician or just picking up a bass for the first time. Keep this in mind at all times. If you’re experiencing trouble when practising, take a break. Stress and frustration do not produce excellent results, especially when it comes to your playing. Staying happy and inspired will ensure you have a long and fulfilling musical career.
We hope the suggestions and songs in this article help you achieve your goal; they’ve certainly helped most of us. Just remember to sit back, relax, and take full use of this magnificent instrument. And, most importantly, have a good time!

Cedric Philips
Hey there, I am Cedric and I've been playing guitar professionally for 9+ years. I also work in a music shop so I can get my hands on a lot of different guitars. And so, I like to share my take on these fantastic instruments here. Cheers!